Me and My Boys

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Can you hear God?

     First I must reiterate that going to church recharges my spiritual batteries.  That's how I feel today as I am fresh from services and once again feel great.  As soon as I found my seat I felt the weight of the past week fall off me like dirty work clothes.  I was considering this phenomenon and concluded that my spirit is lifted not only because I'm in the presence of The Lord Jesus Christ, but because I am in fellowship with others.  I realized that I enjoy being around other people who love The Lord as I do.  It renews my faith, as I am not around as many people who love The Lord during the week.  That fact in itself is trying and challenging.  I'm constantly bombarded with anti-Christian beliefs and ideology and tested by patience and tolerance.  I strive to rid myself of self-centeredness and become selfless.  Those are tall orders, but worth the pursuit.

Sr. Pastor Brian Anderson
     Anyways, my pastor started a new series entitled, How do we hear God's Voice?  Today's sermon touched on who can hear God's voice along with scripture teaching how to hear God's voice.  A verse that caught my attention was Luke 12:11-12 which states, "And when you are brought to trial in the synagogues and before rulers and authorities, don't worry about what to say in your defense, for the Holy Spirit will teach you what needs to be said even as you are standing there."  That's hot.  Imagine not having to worry about what to say to someone in authority or with more authority than you.  All you have to do is rely on Jesus Christ for everything and He will guide you on what to say and do in all situations.  I don't know about you but I can't refuse a deal like that.  I face all types of authorities including judges, probation officers, police officers, my wife, instructors and classmates.  I tell you, I depend on Jesus to be able to speak to everyone, because if I speak in my own power I have a tendency to say harsh, cutting words.  Without Christ, I don't have a filter to stop the insensitive, cruel words that otherwise circle in my head waiting for an opportunity to make an appearance.

     Secondly, I actually do wait for The Lord to give me the words to speak before I speak them.  I use to "rehearse" conversations in my head prior to having them with others.  For awhile this was useful as it allowed me to sharpen my tongue in order to be able to cut as deeply as possible.  The problem with that was, I was cutting myself the most.  Thankfully, The Father has shown me the errors of my way and presented me with a better option when dealing with others.  He's given me His Word.  All I have to do is apply it.  A lot of people believe living by The Word is difficult, but like Joyce Meyer stated, "it's harder to live without it."  It's hard to live a life of deception, adultery, fornication, debauchery, thievery and murder.  That's a hard way to live.

     Fortunately, we are able to choose how we live.  We don't have to live an indecent and immoral life.  If we are sinning, we don't have to stay in sin.  We can choose to live according to The Word of God.  Honestly, I don't see why it is such a difficult decision for some.  I pray, all of you who are reading this, consider your actions and strive to live peaceful, righteous lives!

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