Me and My Boys

Sunday, May 15, 2011

T.V. or not T.V.? That is the question

     My family has some serious issues when it comes to television.  First issue is, I don't want any t.v.'s in the house.  I'm tired of television and I believe we, as a family, could spend our time in a productive manner less the television.  I don't know exactly how much time we spend in front of the t.v. but my guess is around five hours a day.  To me, that's too much.  In those five hours we could be doing other things such as having quality family time, helping others in our community, reading, writing, exercising, cleaning the house etc.  I can think of a lot of other ways to spend time than to sit and watch questionable programming.

      The next issue we have is, we have cable.  That may not sound like a problem to you but it is to me because neither my wife nor I are employed or have had gainable employment since 2008.  We can't afford cable yet, my wife insisted we get it.  I am not happy about this and have expressed my opinions to my wife with no compromise.  It's ridiculous.  If we are able to pay nearly $60 dollars a month on cable, then we should be able to at least tithe as much, but we don't.  To me, that's self-centered thinking.  Take care of our petty needs first before giving back to The Father and The Son, Jesus Christ.  My wife and I are not on the same page on this issue.  For all of the things God has done for our family(and it's been a lot), and we can't come together and show Him how much we love Him and appreciate Him by being obedient to Him and give back to Him what is His anyways, is shameful and embarrassing.  We don't have the things we have because we earned it, believe that.  Everything we have is because of the Grace of God.

     Anyways, I had to get that out.  It's been bothering me for awhile and I do feel anger and resentment building up inside of me.  I love you Father.  Please forgive us for our shortcomings and guide us with your love and grace.  Amen!

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