Me and My Boys

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What you put in is what you get back!

     The Monday before last, June 6th, was my last day of anger management.  I really liked those classes and I'll miss the time I spent with my counselor and classmates.  I tell you that it was enlightening and helpful.  Those classes were a requirement of my probation, in another city(Prescott), which expires on June 23rd.  So now I only go to a substance abuse class every other Tuesday and every Wednesday and then to 12 step meetings if I choose to.  I see my probation officer(Phoenix) once a month and go to court once a month until January 5th 2012.  Oh, I still drop u.a.'s(urinary analysis) almost everyday and on top of that, I'm a full-time student acquiring a Bachelor of Arts in Film and Video.  My schedule is still busy but it's getting a bit lighter.  Every day is one day closer to being done with the court system and then moving forward with my life.  I just have to be patient and consistent and focused.

     Right now I'm sitting in the lobby of my Wednesday's substance abuse meeting place.  I got here at 3:00 but my class doesn't start until 5:30.  I come early because I come straight from college which is on the other side of town.  It doesn't make sense to go all the way home and then turn around and get back on a bus and come here, so what I do is take care of some errands like stopping by Tasc and dropping a urinary analysis.  Even doing that, I still arrived here at 3:00 so I take advantage of the extra time by watching Andrew Wommack ministries on my laptop and studying scripture.  I tell you I am so relaxed and at peace that I'm ready for the rest of my evening which includes class and then seeing my wife and children that I haven't seen since 5:30 this morning and haven't spoke to since last night.  Sitting here listening to Andrew Wommack or Creflo Dollar or Ron Carpenter or Joyce Meyer gives strength to my spirit and keeps my mind on Jesus Christ.

     I don't have any stress, no worries, and that's specifically because I keep feeding myself The Word of Jesus Christ which gives life.  I keep to a bare minimum things that don't necessarily line up with The Word of Jesus Christ.  For example, I'll watch a little bit of ESPN so I can see what the Giants are doing.  I may watch National Geographic for awhile because I like the nature programs.  Sometimes I'll watch The New Adventures of Old Christine and How I Met Your Mother because both of those shows keep me laughing with their ridiculous situations.  I occasionally listen to some old school gangster rap because the music is addictive, however I must point out that I've been cutting back a lot to listening that because a lot of the lyrics speak death which doesn't coincide with my spirit.  The majority of my viewing and listening activities include watching different pastors teach The Word.  Because of that, my days are inspired and peaceful.

     Think about the things you watch and listen to on a daily basis and then analyze how your days are overall.  I guarantee, if you're putting positive things into your mind your days will be positive and productive.  If you're putting in a majority of negative, non-inspiring, immoral things into your mind then you can count on having strife in you life!

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