Me and My Boys

Monday, June 13, 2011

It's those tough relationships that grow you up!

     I love hearing The Word of Jesus Christ and Pastor Ron Carpenter had some fire(as usual).  He was talking about relationships we find ourselves in and how The Father uses them to bring us to maturity.  I know this is true because I'm married to my opposite and I have gained a level of patience that's unprecedented.  I'm telling you, there's no way I could maintain a relationship with this woman if I didn't know Jesus Christ.  It would not be humanly possible to continue in marriage with her if I didn't depend on Jesus Christ's grace and mercy.  I mean, I just don't have that kind of patience and tolerance naturally.

     I have relationships with different people and I encounter different personalities daily and I tell you I don't operate in my "flesh" because I don't use discretion well in my flesh.  If it was up to me I would be slappin' the sweat off of people constantly.  That's not a mature attitude and that doesn't promote God's Kingdom in the slightest.

     As I write this, I'm going through some serious trials with my wife.  She is using deception, which has been an issue since we met.  I've been through the fire with her on this.  We've gone through adultery(both of us), lying, stealing, violent fighting, homelessness, addiction(me) and finally have come to Christ together.  However, we worship The Father differently and I don't believe my wife has repented or fully knows what repentance is.  When you repent you are sincerely asking for forgiveness and then stopping the sinful behavior for which you are asking forgiveness for.  So, if you're committing adultery, you ask The Father to forgive your sin and then you stop committing adultery.  You will need to pray constantly and consistently, read and or absorb The Word of Christ continously and trust Jesus.

     I love Jesus Christ.  I love my wife and I  have repented not only from my sins but also from my sinful nature.  Please don't get the idea that it's been an easy process because it hasn't.  My faith grows stronger everyday because I have been consistent in following The Word.  I still go through temptations and trials but now I depend on Jesus and that is everything.  It's the only way I am able to deal with situations like my wife still lying to me or me having sexual relationships with other women or using drugs.  All of those things appeal to my flesh but are detested by my spirit and since I follow Jesus Christ, I live in The Spirit of Jesus Christ and those fleshly temptations have no affect.

     What I'm getting at is, I can overcome ALL THINGS through Jesus Christ.  Amen!

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