Me and My Boys

Friday, June 24, 2011

Proverbs 18:21 Life and Death are in the power of the tongue

     You guys know I'm a big advocate of "think before you speak!"  I was considering changing my name to Gary "think before you speak" Mason.  I am often amazed and sometimes saddened by the things I hear people say.  Most of the time I don't understand the thoughtlessness behind the things people say.

     I learned through experience, a long time ago, that the things I say have an effect on myself and others.  I am careful about the things I say.  I know people are listening, even if they act like they aren't, so I give consideration to my words.  I've seen how my words have affected people after I've spoken them.  Sometimes I can see the wheels turning in peoples minds after they've heard something I've just said and sometimes I see people take actions after something I've said.  Both of those facts are miraculous and powerful, and because all of us wield that power, we need to be careful and considerate of the words we speak.

     I think part of the problem is people don't believe themselves to be powerful.  They don't realize that they can affect any situation in front of them or around them with a spoken word.  Here's an illustration of the power of words.  Do you ever recall a time when there was a person you really liked or admired that didn't know you existed and all you wished was they would look in your direction or "say" something to you?  Or, do you dread to be around someone because you know when you go around them they are going to "say" things that offend you?  Both of those situations give an idea of how powerful words can be.  From my own experience, I easily respond to people's words.  I think if a woman was sitting across the room and whispered in my direction, I could hear every word she was saying.  Why?  Because I am open to hearing peoples words and they have an effect on me.  I can tell my kids, all day, to clean up their room, quit fighting,  and be quiet, but they'll keep doing what they're doing.  But I can say, "let's go to McDonald's" and they hear every word I said.

     In close, think before you speak!  Say something uplifting when you talk!  Consider other people before letting loose of something ill-advised!  You have the power to make someones day or break it, choose life!

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