Me and My Boys

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

     Happy Father's Day to all you dad's out there including our Heavenly Father.  I'm at my parent's house right now celebrating with my dad and my son's.  My mom is cooking turkey and ham along with dressing, potato salad, mustard greens and deviled eggs.  Today is a good day.

     I went to church this morning and Pastor Brian Anderson had a good sermon today.  His sermon was about "life changing words Dads can say."  The list included, I love you, I believe in you, I'm praying for you, and I'm sorry, will you please forgive me?"  He went on to say that all of us have powerful memories of our fathers, either positive or negative or both.  I tell you my memories of my father are positive.  My dad had a rough upbringing, his father left when he was still a toddler and then his mother passed away when he was five.  He grew up in the 50's, early 60's, when the country was still in a transitional phase of equality for all but when it came to being a father he stepped up and never looked back.  We weren't rich by any means but my family didn't lack anything.  I remember growing up and having all of the trendy things kids had to have, at that time, like Atari 2600, Sony Walkman, Vaurnet glasses, 501 jeans, topsider shoes, Le Tigre shirts, Guess jackets, you name it, I had it.  I had skiing lessons from fourth grade through high school, swim lessons, I played baseball and basketball and I played the acoustic stand-up bass.  My dad provided all of this for my brother and I, often times sacrificing things for himself like new clothes or just things for himself.

     I could write many pages on my father but I'll end this by saying he's a great dad and I try to emulate him as much as possible.  If I'm lucky, I can be be an eighth of the man he is.

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