Me and My Boys

Monday, August 1, 2011

Mama's boys!

     Today is my youngest son Emanuel's birthday.  He's the ripe old age of five and he's incredible.  I vaguely remember when I was that age but I believe I was having as much fun as he is.  Something about my son that is undeniable is that he is a mama's boy.  That boy can't make a move without his mama.  To be fair, I believe all men are mama's boys to some extent.  I love my mama and will do anything she asks me to do.  I try to see her at least once a week as she lives way across town and I don't drive.

Me and my Mama!
     Anyways, I've seen enough fights in my lifetime that stemmed from someone saying something negative about someone's mama.  Shoot, I've bloodied some lips over that.  There's something that strikes a chord in a man's heart when someone says something about their mama and in case there's anyone out there that doesn't know this, beware.  I've seen best friends fight, old men fight, complete strangers fight over words about someone's mama.  I remember in seventh grade this kid said something about my mama and had everyone in the locker room laughing, except me.  I whooped him on the spot and then vowed to whoop him every time I saw him.  Do you know that particular situation lasted until I was in my mid twenties?

     Thankfully I've matured since then and I'm not as sensitive(I think) as I was over negative words.  In a way, I've been forced to "let things slide" as my son Extavius loves tellin' mama jokes.  It's funny coming from a seven year old but I even had to remind him to be respectful because he is talkin' about my mama which is his grandmama.

     All jokes aside, it's okay to be a mama's boy or girl.  Our mama's gave us life and would give theirs for ours.  They love us like no one other than God can.  They've got healing power and can take away our hurts with just a touch or gentle word.  Everyone should thank The Good Lord for their mama!  I love you mom and Happy Birthday Manny!!!

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