Me and My Boys

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Thank You Father!

     Man I'm on Fire.  There's no denying The Holy Spirit!  So far, I've had a full day of inspiration from everything I've seen and heard.  I can't recall a time that's happened.  It certainly cannot happen without Jesus Christ.  I mean, my Spirit feels great.  I'm going to share this with as many people as I can!

     First, allow me to offer prayers for all of my brothers and sisters in Japan.  Father, continue to comfort, heal and lead them, in The Name, and The Blood, of Jesus Christ, Amen!

     So, physically, I'm a bit under the weather.  I can't tell if it's allergies or a cold, but I've been coughing and sneezing and blowin' my nose all morning.  So for strength, I focus on The Father and how wonderful he is.  I also spoke my healing into effect, counted my blessings, and took a hot shower.  I've errands to run and a class to attend later so you know I'm leanin' on Father for strength and energy.

     Anyways, I can't get enough of The Word.  I was reading a blog earlier, Sacred-encounters, and I was inspired by something that was written there.  Here's the quote, "I need to incarnate the message so that it no longer remains just mine and is for the benefit of those God choses."  Reading that made me realize that I need to share my blessings with others in order to receive the blessings in full.  That revelation right there should be obvious but I don't believe I practice it enough.  Which brings me to my next inspiration which I received shortly after the first one.  I was watching Creflo Dollar and he was talking about how a Christian needs to operate in consistency to have breakthrough.  He used the illustration of a drop of water constantly dripping on a rock.  The water isn't as hard as the rock, but over a period of time, with consistency, the water will reshape the rock.  Now apply that to how the Christian is to operate, within himself and the world, with consistency, to bring glory to The Father and His Kingdom.  It reminds me of The Scripture that says, "worry about nothing and pray about everything."  There's also a quote that goes, "if you're praying you're not worrying, and if you're worrying, you're not praying"!

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