Me and My Boys

Monday, March 28, 2011

Always thankful!

     You all know I love The Father and The Son, Jesus Christ.  I can't say it enough as I have so much to be thankful for even if it doesn't appear so to others.  Giving praise to The Father for all things has radically changed my perspective on everything.  It seems easy to give praise to God when things are going good in your life, but if you can praise God when you are going through turmoil or trials you'll receive grace and peace that will bring you through your trials.  If you're consistent in this practice, trials and problems won't affect you.  When you come against adversity, you won't stumble.  Why?  Because if you're giving praise to The Father through good and bad times you are showing and telling God you love Him and trust Him no matter what you are going through.

     I know a lot of you out there may be having trouble believing this concept because you're situation is extreme and you can't see past or over it, but I'm telling you, if you give praise and love to God while you're in the midst of darkness, The Father will honor you, comfort you, and put His Grace and peace on you.

     I'm at a place in my life where I don't have to have everything go my way.  I let go of my will, my flesh, and became satisfied with what I have.  And here's the kicker.  I keep receiving more and more blessings.  Every day is a blessing.  I can't wait to see what's in store for tomorrow.  I ask The Lord to show me ways in how I can help others every day because I don't feel like I'm doing enough for others.  I'm patient though, and with patience good things happen.  My stress level is non-existent.  My happiness is beyond my comprehension but it's there none the less!

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