Me and My Boys

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Perfect Day!

     I was ear hustlin' a conversation between some students earlier and they were talking about a class assignment where they had to write a short essay on what they considered to be the perfect day.  One gentleman said, "my perfect day is a day with no stress, no worries", after which another gentleman immediately said, "oh, that'll never happen", and the first gentleman agreed.

     Man, that's sad.  It made me reflect, again, on how good The Father is, because I'm in a place where I don't worry about, or recognize "everyday stress".  Scripture says, "let each day worry about itself" and "worry about nothing and pray about everything".  Both of those are powerful truths and anyone who can grasp those concepts can start a process to be free from stress.

     I believe we can choose to stress out on things or we can really give our worries and problems to God.  Let me give you an example.  I'm currently on probation and will continue to be until early next year.  My first probation officer and the Commissioner both had me stressed out because of the things they were asking of me.  It mainly came down to money and I'm unemployed, so I was stressed out from worrying about how I was going to meet these obligations.  I finally quit worrying and said to myself, "what's the worst that could happen".  As far as I was concerned, the worst that could happen was I would go to jail.  So be it.  You can't get blood out of a turnip and squeezing money out of my barren pockets isn't going to happen.  So I quit stressin' and put together my financial report for the past ten years and the next three.  I gathered social security statements, court documents, collection notices and my college enrollment forms and gave them all to my probation officer.  He, in turn, gave them to the commissioner and something incredible happened.  They quit sending me to jail for non-payment violations.

     Now, I give all credit for my peace of mind to Jesus Christ. Why? Because when I put my faith in Him, I see a whole different reality than the one of this world presents.  If God is for me, who can be against me?

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