Me and My Boys

Thursday, January 20, 2011


     Kind of an awkward subject to discuss because of the many implications but my thoughts and experiences with the supernatural are interesting, at least to me.  About fifteen years prior, I never gave much thought to supernatural events, magic, astrology, demons, angels, witches, spirits, ghosts and the such.  I was very much wrapped up in my own small world and could care less about things that were beyond my control but slowly I started becoming aware of things that lacked rational explanations.  Things were happening to me and around me that I would excuse as "luck" or misfortune or just totally ignore because they were so illogical.
     However, after finding Jesus Christ and building and strengthening my faith, I began to see things differently which is expected if you're born again.  Anyways,  I started looking at situations as they really were by my interpretation.  For example I was heavily involved in drugs and gangs and the lifestyle was horrific.  I witnessed, and was a part of all types off heinous goings on including adultery, beatings, shootings, robberies, jackings and worse.  The bad part was I was okay with these things.  I didn't realize it at the time but the drug use had clouded my mind and my ability to interpret what was actually happening around me.  Now you might be saying "duh" that's what drugs do, burn brain cells and cause stupidity, but there's something more insidious happening.  A pastor pointed out to me that drugs fall under witch craft according to The Bible.  When I heard this, things started making sense as to why they were happening like when I consciously tried to stop using cocaine, all of a sudden, and I mean immediately, people started coming around with "free" dope.  My dope dealer called me up to see if I needed a "front"( free dope).  This is the same guy who, when I had $400 dollars and needed an ounce at 3am he said he couldn't do it 'cause he was tired.
     When I declared to a friend that I was done fornicating and had been successful in turning down sexual advances, loose women started falling out of the sky.  I don't care how good looking you are, it's not natural to have sex with three complete strangers and you're wife in the same day and within' hours of each other.
      Around this time I realized there was a problem and it wasn't just with the obvious things that were happening.  These things weren't just coincidences, luck or random events.  They were planned strategically by an unseen and unbelieved enemy.  Satan.  I didn't want to believe this to be possible because it was just plain scary.  Plus there is a lot of responsibility required being Christian and that wasn't something I immediately wanted to accept but I couldn't ignore what was happening around me either.  My life was in jeopardy and that was real.  I had been jacked several times, twice at gun point, once by knife.  My best-friend, my brother for all intents and purposes was shot, aquaintences had been killed, I was raped by a dope dealing woman who I suspect may have been a succubus or something like that.  There's more but I think you get the point.
     On the other side of all that there have been a lot of positive yet logically unexplainable things that have happened to me also.  Like the time my wife and I went to a church out in Prescott, AZ and after the services the pastor approached us and said God put it on his heart to give two families $500 dollars a piece after which he handed my wife five one hundred dollar bills.  Or the time my brother got shot.  I was supposed to meet him at the spot where it happened but I ended up staying at home with my wife that night.  Or the many times I was surrounded by killers and ruthless people and yet walked away with my life.  Or the way negative happenings ended up with positive results because as it is said in Romans 8:28 "all things work for the good for those who love The Lord and are called according to his purpose."
     I'm sure many explanations can be rationalized but I'm a believer in Jesus Christ, hence I also believe in Satan and according to The Bible he is out to destroy and kill.  Now I know the enemy as he has known me!!!

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