Me and My Boys

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Good Friday/Easter Sunday

     Friday was the anniversary of the day Christ was crucified.  I am sad to say that this is the first time I actually understand, and appreciate the significance of God's sacrifice on behalf of man.  I've been born-again for some time now, yet I didn't see this day with proper perspective.  Thankfully, The Father is forgiving and understanding otherwise I would be too ashamed to admit such folly.

     As I was sitting in church today(Easter Sunday) I was praising God for how wonderful He's been to me.  I am in awe at His Word.  I was thinking about some of the things He's given me and that there is NO comparison in this world, nothing that matches, what he's given, done, or able to do.  Nothing.

     It is spiritually rewarding, for me, to follow Jesus Christ.  My days are marked with peace and grace and strength and happiness, even when there are problems and strife.  I am able to overcome adversity, only through Jesus Christ, to achieve peace.  That's saying a lot because there are a lot of things in this world that are at odds with my spirit.  I tell you that the things that are at odds with my spirit are not there to uplift me in any way, and if they don't uplift, they tear down.  There's no "in-between" area or "gray area".  I don't like dealing in absolutes, but there is no middle area in life and death.  Both are choices.

     Man, that's some awesome insight!  The fact that we can choose between life and death.  I don't think a lot of people understand this.  I know I certainly didn't.  I use to accept the things that were negative in my life as "that's the way things are".  That's a sad way to look at life.  Jesus died, on the cross, for our sins, so that we wouldn't have to suffer the actual punishment we deserve for our sins.  Think about that for a moment.  I've done some things in my life that I am not proud of and that were definitely wrong and selfish.  Those actions didn't uplift anyone and actually hurt myself and others around me.  I can't think of what the punishment should be for my iniquities and if I could it would probably be way more lenient than what is actually deserved.  Yet there is a Savior that only asks that I believe in Him.  Believe that He died for my sins and follow His Word, and I can be forgiven for ALL of my sins, even the ones I have yet to commit.  Are you serious?  There's actually someone out there that loves me so much that He died for my sins so that I wouldn't have to receive what I deserve for them?

     I can't put into words how awesome that is.  All I have to do is choose to follow Christ and abide in His Word, and I can be forgiven for my transgressions, and have the SAME power He had as he walked this earth and in Heaven, and receive eternal life, and have peace and grace and joy too!  Let me think.  I can choose to have everlasting life with peace and happiness from following Jesus, or I can walk in this world under my own power, by my own will, and go up against all the things of the world, by myself, with no guarantee of ANYTHING.  Hmmm.  This is a no-brainer for me.  I pray that the answer be as easy for you!

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