Me and My Boys

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

To hold back or not to hold back, that is the question!

     I really love dealing with and interacting with real people.  People who aren't afraid to make mistakes.  People who can get back up when knocked down, who can tell it like it is with boldness and confidence.  I've got an instructor who has confidently proclaimed, "we may not like what she has to say, but she does not apologize for her opinions!"  That's gangsta!

     I've been known to speak my mind with clarity and I'm transparent about all areas of my life.  The way I see it is like this, if I've told my story, aired my laundry, dirty or not, I have diffused any weapon that can be used against me.  There's nothing left to gossip about after I've made every painful detail public.  Some people hate this about me but will never say it facing me.  That's weakness, fear.  I don't have time for people like that.

     While I'm categorizing people, I must say that I don't like the "bully mentality."  I remember being bullied when I was younger, up until high school.  I found out bullies are cowards and as soon as I stood my ground they scattered like a litter of newborn bitches.  Today, I can't stand to see someone being bullied and I will intervene even if I don't know either party.

     I've said this before but it's worth repeating for those who may have missed it or are just getting to know me, speak your mind when you're dealing with me.  If you don't like something I've said or done, tell me about it, I respect everyone's opinion.  If you want me to stay away from you, say it, your wish is my command.  As it is, I have to speculate what people think because they are afraid to be up front with their opinions concerning the way I carry myself and how I deal with others.  I am certain I have made some errors in judgment but I really can't be faulted when I only have limited information from which to formulate an opinion or make a decision on.


  1. When I read this it sounds like that person doesn't have the Lord on her side and that is not a good thing. I don't like bullies either I have been there and it didn't feel good and I don't want to see anyone else have to go through it either and as sad as it is our youngest son is going through it right now.

    1. This post, like most of my posts, aren't directed at anyone in particular and as I've stated before, on FaceBook, I really post for myself!
