Me and My Boys

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Call Me Crazy!

     Call me crazy, but I just cannot bring myself to spend money to go to a haunted house or to a movie theater to watch depraved, horrific acts.  As far as haunted houses are concerned, it's that time of year where people(pagans) celebrate the macabre and morbid day of hallows eve.

     First, let me state for the record that this is not a post bashing the goings on of Halloween celebrations.  I used to trick-or-treat as a child and I have children who do so now.  No, this post is about my unwillingness to spend hard-earned money to witness people dress up like demons and attempt to scare me or go to the movies and watch any number of films that depict demonic possession, murder, violence, depravity.

     There are thousands of high-end haunted houses across the country that charge anywhere from $5 to $100 per person to enter.  That in itself is a horror, and paying that should be a crime. I digress.  My stance comes from the fact that I tithe money to my church and give money to the needy.  How can I justify spending money on demon worshiping?  Also, I have no fear of demons, so I would basically be giving my money away receiving no services.

     I don't consider looking at grotesque images as being "fun!"  Not even curious.  You want to read a scary book, read The Bible.  It's got some stories that will scare you straight like the seven sons of Sceva [Acts 19:13-16].  Them dudes tried to exorcise a "real" demon and ended up getting beat to within an inch of their lives!

     Something else to consider is, demon possession shouldn't be taken lightly.  It takes form very subtly, most times without a person realizing it is happening to them.  I see a lot of possessed people everyday.  I can tell by their words and actions they are possessed.  At one point in time, I was possessed, caught in the bondage of drug addiction and doing all sorts of depraved acts.  Do you know that I tried many, many programs and treatments to overcome addiction, but the only thing that worked was allowing The Holy Spirit to work in my life.

     So, after spending many years doing what pagans do, I choose to recognize and stay away from foulness.  Before I spend money on ANYTHING that remotely resembles satanism, I will give twice that amount toward something Good!