Me and My Boys

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Higher Learning

Me in front of my college, Collins College!
     I've heard quite a few students at Collins College talk badly about the school and it's program, saying things to the effect that Collins can't be considered a real college because almost anyone can be accepted or that the classes don't teach enough to give one an edge in a particular field.  I've heard quite a few students complain that they aren't satisfied or impressed by the curriculum and that some of the instructors are questionable.  I may even agree with some of that but my opinions differ greatly in most areas and my perspective is on another level.

      Something I've noticed about the students that complain about Collins and chastise it is, they lack vision, work ethic and motivation.  It's like they're walking around in some kind of fantasy world where everything is perfect and you get rewarded for having a foul disposition and for giving a half-ass effort.  So my question is, if this school is "beneath" them and it doesn't compare to a "real" college, then why can't they make decent grades?  I mean, if the school is a joke, then you should be able to pass every class with flying colors.  You should be able to breeze through these courses like it's nothing.  Shoot, you should be an instructor!

     I watch students struggle everyday because they haven't figured out that "you get back what you put in!"  That's a life rule and I can tell by some peoples actions and words that their lives are miserable.  They would rather look at what someone or something can do for them or didn't do for them, rather than looking to see what they can do for others.  This is why, when they face adversity, even the smallest of issues, they fall apart.  I've been through enough adversity to know the best way to deal with it is to do something for someone else.  It takes the focus off of my issues and allows me to see that the world doesn't revolve around me.

     Now I will tell you that I am not one of the brightest of students.  The last time I was in school was in 1988 when I dropped out of college and decided I was going to "live life" and pursue other endeavors.  Since then, things have changed drastically.  Do you know it took me nearly two hours to figure out that I could push down on my mouse pad on my lap top in order to command an order.  Don't laugh, this is the first computer I've ever owned, which says a lot.  Anyways, what I lack in skills, I make up for in effort.  My attendance is near perfect and my class participation is phenomenal.  My instructors base a lot of my grade purely on my effort to understand and use the materials they've disseminated.  I follow their instructions carefully and carry myself in a professional manner, as if I were already "on the job."  To me, to carry myself in any other manner than being professional is a waste of time and money.  I'm paying for this education so I am going to get the maximum out of this program, even if I don't agree with or like some of the things that occur here, just like a person would have to do in the workforce.

     So, I would advise anyone who wants to complain about ANYTHING to take a look at themselves first, find those faults within yourself, that are difficult to face, and deal with them.  Until you deal with yourself honestly, your words carry NO WEIGHT!  Please don't waste breathe exclaiming something negative if you haven't taken care of that plank in your eye!  Once you can see clearly, you won't want to bring others down with negativity!

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