Me and My Boys

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Diamonds In The Rough And One Mans Trash...

     I am very thankful for all of the experiences I've had and my ability to "maximize" any situation I find myself in.  I possess the trait of being able to turn lemons into lemonade and can turn adversity into advantage.

     I learned from a very young age to "make do with what I've got," or go without.  It's because of this mentality that I am able to find joy in the little things in life like giving and/or receiving a kind word or smile from a stranger or finding treasures that other people would consider trash.  I am often amazed by what people will toss to the side, including material items but also other people.  I don't take anyone for granted, on any level, whether they be friend or foe, and I tell you I have made many pleasant discoveries because my mind is open to infinite possibilities.  I have met many interesting people and have benefited from developing relationships with them.  Had I been narrow-minded, or judged prematurely, I would have missed out on some of the most enjoyable experiences I've ever had.

     So, I laugh to myself when people scoff at some of the things or people I find interesting.  On the other hand I'm thankful they don't like some of the same things as I do because that leaves more for me.  More power to Gary.  I'm tellin' you, I find more treasure from the things that the majority of people would toss to the side, that I will never stop seeing a "diamond" everywhere I look.  If y'all was smart, you would start paying attention to why I'm always positive even when going through drama.  It's a free gift but many won't receive it because they can't see past themselves!

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