Me and My Boys

Thursday, May 24, 2012

It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It!

Me during a recovery video
     I recently gave an introduction speech in my Interpersonal Communication class where the person I introduced was none other than Jesus Christ.  I was a bit nervous but I did very well, even receiving 97% for my grade.  I enjoyed the assignment and I look forward to the following two speeches I have left to give.

     After I gave my speech I was critiqued by my instructor and classmates, all of which was helpful in assessing how my speech was delivered and its effectiveness.  I received a revelation after hearing some of the feedback that is insightful as to how non-believers of Jesus Christ view Christians.  There was a general consensus that my overall delivery was very good because I didn't come off in a "preachy" way!  They said, "I stuck to the facts," and "didn't try to push my views on the audience," and when they heard me give an account of Jesus Christ it was as if I was talking about a truly beloved friend or relative.  They also said what helped my speech was the fact that I pointed out that though some might not believe in Jesus Christ, it is o.k. to have different views.

     So what I learned is there are many people who despise Christians because they feel Christians try to push their beliefs on others, most times in a condemning way.  Some non-believers also see Christians as though they think they are better than those that don't follow Christ and also Christians are hypocrites as many can be seen doing the same things and sometimes worse, than non-believers.

     I won't argue any of those statements, I will just say that I don't know of any of those Christians that I described above.  That's because I don't look at ANYONE'S faulty behavior.  I don't spend time judging the things that the people around me do.  Quite honestly I don't have the time or energy to pay attention to what the next man is doing.  I am too busy keeping my flesh in order, which by the way is a full-time job.

     As far as how I carry myself and my faith, it's no secret that I love Jesus Christ and I walk in the Grace, Love and Power of Christ.  My words reflect that and my actions reflect that in everything I do.  Am I perfect?  Of course not, but I am nowhere near where I used to be when I was living for my flesh, doin' all types of detestable acts.  Thankfully I actually believe in The Word of Christ and have received and continue to receive God's Grace over my life.  Now I have the power to deny my flesh the things that would cause my death spiritually and physically.  Here's the kicker, I don't have to come off "preachy" to anyone.  All I do is live my life through God's Grace and His many blessings and people CAN SEE FOR THEMSELVES that something is different about me.

     I am quick to give thanks and tell people that may be interested how I got to where I'm at.  If someone asks me about Jesus Christ, I will gladly give testimony to His good works.  One thing that I will never do is cast my pearls before swine meaning, if you don't want to hear it I won't force it on you!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

To Get High Or Not To Get High, What Do You Want For Your Life?

     This post is not an endorsement for or against using drugs.  It is simply my first hand experiences and observations of drug use.

     Drugs, drugs, drugs.  People choose to use them for any number of reasons and there may be just as many reasons not to use them.  Any way you cut it, each person should make a sober decision when it comes to whether or not they will use drugs.

     I speak only from my experience.  I can not operate at an optimum level and use drugs at the same time.  It is not physically possible to operate at an optimum level while under the influence because the effects of drugs alter my mindset and my ability to reason properly.  This is one of the reasons why many people use drugs, to change their reality, however temporary that may be.

     I bought and sold marijuana and cocaine by the pound and ounces respectively, and I smoked as much as a half ounce everyday for a long time(23 years).  During that time, my intellect slowed considerably.  I lost focus of goals I wanted to achieve and I became lackadaisical in all my endeavors.  It was more fun for me to pursue the high and maintain it than it was for me to pursue life and enjoy it!  Shortly after my stint with marijuana I came across LSD, methamphetamine and cocaine and took a liking to cocaine.  My life at that time was fully absorbed in obtaining cocaine and maintaining the high that it gave me, at any cost.  Long story short, I lost almost everything that was important to me.  It took supernatural intervention for me to break the bondage of addiction and get another chance at life.  Today, I enjoy success in all I put my hand on, but that is because of God's grace on me, giving me the ability to abstain from drugs. (Close to two years of sobriety)

     It would be ludicrous to believe there are no successful drug users.  However, I know more people who are successful who've never used or have quit using drugs, than I do of people who get high consistently.  I would encourage you to set yourself above using drugs and realize the potential that is inside you!

Monday, May 7, 2012

It Is Dangerous And Sinful To Rush Into The Unknown

From the desk of Gary Mason
     I recently turned 43 and with that I've come to realize some important truths from lessons learned.  One of these lessons would be about taking my time with what I do and having patience.  I tell you, I am no longer in a rush to do ANYTHING!  I've adopted the mindset that I will let things come to me instead of me chasing them and I will take my time in making decisions.  Actually, I've had this mindset for awhile but recent events have caused me to reevaluate this process.

     For whatever reason, people seem to think they have the ability to determine MY path.  I guess I am partially to blame for this mad reasoning as I allow people to share their dreams and hopes with me and rarely do I offer any opinions or criticisms.  The issue is, some of their hopes and dreams involve me, sometimes with me playing a crucial role in their plans.  Honestly, the reason why I don't say much about their plans is because I am stuck in awe that they've conceived such plans without actually consulting me about them.  I mean, if you are creating a business, one of the most important steps is to plan.  If you are including a business partner, the business partner has to be involved with the process.  This to me is a no brainer.

     If you are involving others in some endeavor it would be wise to get them on board with the plan before you start making commitments.  Otherwise you are being presumptuous and risk your plans failing.  I've had this happen, were a person assumed I was on board with their plans and when their plans failed they turned around and placed the blame on me for it's failure.  Sadly, I wasn't amazed at the outcome or the reaction as these things are fairly predictable.  I am amazed however, at the audacity people have when making assumptions instead of getting concrete confirmations to plans made.

     So, when I am confronted by anyone who has a plan that involves me, I let them put their idea on the table, I carefully listen to the details, and I assess the possibilities as they are speaking.  Then I await the most important part, and that is them officially asking me if I would like to be a part of their endeavor.  Until that happens, assuming I will be a part of the plan is a mistake.

     Finally, if all the criteria has been met, I take my time in making a decision as I like to have as much information as possible before making a commitment.  Rushing into anything can have dire results and I simply can not afford to make errors at this juncture in my life.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

What Is The Real Battle?

     I've been in a state of recovery from drugs for over fifteen years, ever since I first went into a program to help me with the destructive behavior I was caught in.  Today I have close to two years of sobriety.  I've been through five or six programs, arrested multiple times, been jacked(mugged) several times, friends have died, ties have been severed and bridges have been burned.  Through all of this I have learned many lessons but most importantly I found out I couldn't accomplish anything without Jesus Christ.

     Hence the reason for this blog.  I left a recovery group recently because they didn't want anyone proclaiming their love and faith in any particular higher power as they believe some people have a hard time with religion and they don't want to scare people away that may be seeking sobriety.  I would like to say I understand their reasoning but I don't.  Not only that, but I don't want to be a part of any group that I have to conceal or hide my love for Jesus Christ.

    Part of the insidious nature of addiction is one's technique of hiding their addiction.  The very nature of deception will keep an addict an addict.  In order for me to be able to have the sobriety I have today, I had to change a lot of things about myself including lying and deception. I operate in total transparency with an attitude of gratitude and I'm able to give thanks and recognition to God for His Grace on me, giving me the strength to overcome an addiction that was leading me to death.

     So, I have a problem with recovery programs that emphasize a higher power other than yourself, just don't share your higher power with anyone because that may turn people off.  Let me see here, I can share my higher power, Jesus Christ, who only gives life and freedom from ALL bondage, or I can let people just continue to struggle in their bondage and die.  This one is a no-brainer and I will always share my love of Jesus Christ with anyone who is receptive!

     People who are in bondage to anything, drugs, sex, money, hate, death, aren't battling Jesus, Buddha, Allah, John Smith or any other higher power, they are battling satan, and only through Christ have we been given power over EVERYTHING!