Me and My Boys

Friday, February 26, 2016

Flag Waver I'm Not!

I was recently at an event where everyone in the room stood up and began to "Pledge Allegiance To The Flag Of The united states Of america."  While they stood up, I stayed seated and continued writing on my laptop.  Later, when discussing this with my children, my son asked me why I didn't stand and recite the pledge.  This is what I told him.

First and foremost, I don't support or subscribe to the machinations of american society or it's beliefs.  I cannot consciously pledge allegiance to a country that is actively, and has been for centuries, trying to exterminate my race.  I went on to elaborate about the consistent police brutality that is rampant in america including the recent deaths of 12 year old Tamir Rice who was executed by police who said he was threatening their lives with an air-soft gun, and the jail lynching of Sandra Bland who was an active civil rights activist, the murder of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman who was later found innocent and applauded by many americans for "Standing His Ground!"  The list of names of Black Americans killed over the last five years is extensive.  A statistic I happened upon states:  "Despite making up only 2% of the total US population, African American males between the ages of 15 and 34 comprised more than 15% of all deaths logged this year(2015) by an ongoing investigation into the use of deadly force by police. Their rate of police-involved deaths was five times higher than for white men of the same age."  

Next, I told my son about some of the horrific things american soldiers do in other countries, including rape, murder and theft of innocent civilians.  Many americans want to turn a blind eye to these things and act like they aren't happening or simply don't care, but that is not me.  I am appalled and ashamed of what these soldiers and our government do in the name of Democracy and "the american way!"  Death, hate, deception, perversion, and immorality I do not subscribe to.

I continued my discussion with my son by telling him how the KKK has infiltrated and infused itself in many levels of american society, including lawmakers, politicians, judges, police and everyday businessmen.  They perpetuate an undercurrent of hate and fear of Blacks and minorities and would undermine the very foundation of the u.s. if allowed to stay on the current course.

These are just a few of the very serious reasons why I don't "Pledge Allegiance," and I told my children that when they are able to understand broader concepts of society and life, they can choose to do what they want to!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Enemy Is Defeated, Again!

For arguments sake, let's say all religion, and particularly Christianity and The Bible, are man-made creations solely for the purpose of brainwashing and controlling people.  This is a common argument I hear, especially from some pro-Black people who believe that Christianity is the "white-man's" religion and that it was created to keep Black people in subjugation and blinded to their true destiny.

Well, if that's true, that plot has failed monumentally and miserably.  I personally know a lot of people who have found Christ and have gained insight, peace, joy and love when once they never knew of it.  Everywhere I look I see examples of people who walk in Christ's love and because of it they are able to do extraordinary things like forgive others for heinous trespasses and heal from vicious attacks on their mind, body and spirit. One recent example is the Charleston Church shooting of June 17th 2015 when Dylann Roof walked into  Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church and killed 9 people.  As tragic as that was, many of the relatives of the deceased FORGAVE Dylann and even prayed for him.  Do you know how much power and love you have to have to be able to forgive a man that has killed your loved ones?  That kind of power only comes from one place, it's God-given to believers!  So the theory of religion being man-made for purposes of subjugation is invalidated because many people are GAINING power, not succumbing to it.  I can easily list HUNDREDS, if not thousands of other examples but I won't at this time so I can make my point quickly.

So, for you haters, scoffers, rebukers of God, let me show you something.  You revel in your false sense of self but actually wallow in hate which is BONDAGE and sadly you don't know how to get out of that trap so you put a fake smile on your face and try to pretend you are enjoying life but every time hate comes out of your mouth you are speaking volumes on the true condition of your heart.  You sad, fearful, hate-blinded people I pray for you!