Me and My Boys

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Past love, present happiness. Real friendship never dies!

My youngest son Emanuel and an unknown friend
     I'm hooked on FaceBook.  I'm on it everyday, I keep meeting new people and finding old friends.  This happened recently as a high school love found me and sent a friend request.  I accepted it, of course, and called her shortly thereafter so we could catch up on the past.  Come to find out she hasn't changed much since the days when I called her mine.  She still has a sweetness in her voice and I can sense that a touch of innocence remains.

     Reuniting with her has brought back all types of memories, mostly good, but it has caused me to reflect on where I've been and where I'm headed.  When her and I were together, I was at the tender age of fifteen and I was just starting to learn about adult life.  I didn't have a clue about women, love, sex or life.  When I think about it, I still am kind of clueless when it comes to the machinations of a woman.  I have a feeling I will never understand the mind of a woman but that's another story.  During the two years we were together I got a crash course in love and heartbreak, in joy and pain, but if I had to do it all over again I wouldn't hesitate.  That part of my life was a necessary journey that helped me get to where I'm at today.

     Hence, I am happy to have heard from her and she has given me a new perspective of the life I live.  I owe her a lot for the lessons I learned while with her and the things that she contributed to my becoming a man.  She represents one of my oldest friends and though we were past lovers I consider her a good friend and I hope she feels the same!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

First week back!

Gary Orlando Mason
     Coming to the end of my first week back at Collins and it's been great.  All of my classes are interesting and so are some of my classmates.  I'm still a little shell-shocked by the amount of money my books and software came to.  This term alone came out to over eleven hundred dollars and because of that I've resolved to get the maximum value out of everything I have.  I believe I can get ten times the amount of money I spent out of the books and software I purchased.

     I've got some new projects coming up and I'm attempting to get my own business off the ground so things are pretty exciting.  I've got some hot scripture I want to share with all of you but I think I'll wait 'til the weekend.  So until then.  Adios!