Me and My Boys

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Got God?

Pastor Brian Anderson

     Made it to church today.  Missed last week and I couldn't wait for this week because I really look forward to being there.  I tell you that when I enter the sanctuary at the Vineyard I feel great.  Every one is smiling, which is a big deal to me, my kids are happy and it's just good to be there.  It's amazing how much of a better attitude you'll have when you're around a lot of people that are happy and smiling.

     I hadn't given it a lot of thought but I spend a lot of time with strangers and most of them don't look happy.  Most of them don't smile a lot and often times every other word coming out of their mouth is foul.  If they're not cursing, their conversation is usually perverted or foul.  Being around that kind of atmosphere is not spiritually healthy.  Even the strongest Christian will feel the pull of the world if they are subject to it more than they are The Word.  That's why I stay in The Word.  I usually start my mornings watching Pastor Murray and Creflo Dollar and Andrew Wommack, in that order.  During their sermons, I'm following along in my Bible.  Then I read my email where I get daily Scripture, verses for the day and uplifting words from Dr. Charles Stanley.  Then I go to Facebook and look at what my Christian friends have posted which is always something positive to start the day off.  That's awesome.  Then, as I'm walking to the bus, I give praise to God for all He's done.  I pray for my family and friends and ask for His guidance and assistance in my day.

     When I arrive at school I feel great and my classmates can attest to the fact that I'm a positive person that loves to give encouragement to others.  I'm ready to start off the new week.  If anyone needs anything that I can give, let me know!

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