Me and My Boys

Thursday, May 24, 2012

It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It!

Me during a recovery video
     I recently gave an introduction speech in my Interpersonal Communication class where the person I introduced was none other than Jesus Christ.  I was a bit nervous but I did very well, even receiving 97% for my grade.  I enjoyed the assignment and I look forward to the following two speeches I have left to give.

     After I gave my speech I was critiqued by my instructor and classmates, all of which was helpful in assessing how my speech was delivered and its effectiveness.  I received a revelation after hearing some of the feedback that is insightful as to how non-believers of Jesus Christ view Christians.  There was a general consensus that my overall delivery was very good because I didn't come off in a "preachy" way!  They said, "I stuck to the facts," and "didn't try to push my views on the audience," and when they heard me give an account of Jesus Christ it was as if I was talking about a truly beloved friend or relative.  They also said what helped my speech was the fact that I pointed out that though some might not believe in Jesus Christ, it is o.k. to have different views.

     So what I learned is there are many people who despise Christians because they feel Christians try to push their beliefs on others, most times in a condemning way.  Some non-believers also see Christians as though they think they are better than those that don't follow Christ and also Christians are hypocrites as many can be seen doing the same things and sometimes worse, than non-believers.

     I won't argue any of those statements, I will just say that I don't know of any of those Christians that I described above.  That's because I don't look at ANYONE'S faulty behavior.  I don't spend time judging the things that the people around me do.  Quite honestly I don't have the time or energy to pay attention to what the next man is doing.  I am too busy keeping my flesh in order, which by the way is a full-time job.

     As far as how I carry myself and my faith, it's no secret that I love Jesus Christ and I walk in the Grace, Love and Power of Christ.  My words reflect that and my actions reflect that in everything I do.  Am I perfect?  Of course not, but I am nowhere near where I used to be when I was living for my flesh, doin' all types of detestable acts.  Thankfully I actually believe in The Word of Christ and have received and continue to receive God's Grace over my life.  Now I have the power to deny my flesh the things that would cause my death spiritually and physically.  Here's the kicker, I don't have to come off "preachy" to anyone.  All I do is live my life through God's Grace and His many blessings and people CAN SEE FOR THEMSELVES that something is different about me.

     I am quick to give thanks and tell people that may be interested how I got to where I'm at.  If someone asks me about Jesus Christ, I will gladly give testimony to His good works.  One thing that I will never do is cast my pearls before swine meaning, if you don't want to hear it I won't force it on you!

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