Me and My Boys

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Nothin' but happiness!

     It's another one of those days where I have nothing but joy and happiness.  I have more happy days than not, and that's by choice.  I'm telling you I'm blessed.  I feel great.  I'm have so much to be grateful for, and I am.  Nothing can bring me down because I've got the one thing that can't be destroyed.  That's my love for Jesus Christ.

     I go through drama like other people, but unlike most people I rise above it because I believe in and trust The Word of Jesus Christ.  That's hot.  That's powerful.  I am not better than anyone.  However, I walk above all adversity that comes in front of me.  That makes me fearless of anything.  I don't have fear because I truly trust God and rely on Him for everything.  For example, my relationship with my wife isn't the greatest.  We had some trust issues until I figured out that I don't have to be able to trust my wife to have a happy relationship with her.  I only have to trust God and His Word and my happiness and joy and peace are guaranteed.  That's hot.

     I had a choice to make, all of us do.  I can run through this life on my own power and deal with life on my terms or I can really surrender it to Jesus Christ who can actually make my life happen.  Well, for many years I controlled my own destiny and for many years I made many mistakes and paid terrible prices for those mistakes.  I was trapped in addiction, I lost a marriage and broke up a family and hurt my children and my parents.  I lost my self-respect and love for myself.  I wasted a lot of years doing nothing.  That was all because I was living life the way I wanted to and in my own power.  Spiritually, I was dead and my physical death wasn't far behind.

     Today, I'm not in bondage to anything except my love for Christ.  I would never go back to living the way I use to.  I have life now.  I can actually love others.  I'm a real friend to my friends and a good father to my children and a good husband to my wife.  All of this is because of Jesus Christ!  All Praise to God!!!

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