Me and My Boys

Thursday, July 26, 2012

No Matter How You Slice It, Guns Kill!

     I recently stated that I am neither for or against gun ownership, but after thinking about that statement I really have to admit that I am against guns, period.  I cannot justify the use of a gun for any reason.  I've heard arguments that guns are necessary to combat evil, and guns are necessary for protection etc., but I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that the majority of people that are killed with guns are innocent victims.

     I was watching a program on CNBC, which I can't recall the name of, that was showing that 90% of the guns seized in Mexico came from the U.S.  That's terrible on a couple of different levels.  The story went into detail about the murder rate in Mexico and it told of many innocent victims being gunned down by drug cartels.  One story that stuck in my mind, and inspired this blog, was the intentional shooting of a seven year old boy.  A cartel blew his brains out as he exited the vehicle his father was driving.  I have children, including an eight year old son and when I saw those pictures and the mother was devastated, I was nearly in tears.  It was senseless.

     Unfortunately, this thing plays out all the time, everyday, in the United States.  People are losing their lives to gun violence and yet many Americans will fight to the death to keep their right to bear arms.  I have no argument for this.  I don't need one.  I cannot/will not argue with people who can overlook senseless deaths due to gun violence, in order to support their freedom to bear arms.  You can argue 'til you're blue in the face for your right to bear arms but that won't change my value of life over liberties.  I'm not paralyzed with fear that I have to carry a gun to protect my family!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

From The Desk Of Gary Mason
     Most of the strongest, amazing people I know have been through some kind of serious adversity whether it be surviving a health issue, or losing a loved one, or drug addiction or molestation or any number of other catastrophic events that occur everyday.  What separates these people from everyone else is their ability to persevere through the adversity.

     The ability to rise over adversity is no easy feat.  The proof of that statement can be found in the number of people who take their own lives because they couldn't go on any longer.  The most recent suicide rate that I could find listed suicides worldwide at 10.07 per 100,000 thousand people.  (curr)

     That is an alarming and sad statistic.  However, it's not surprising that many people are suffering in a world that caters to a humans worst nature.  Where violence plays out like a video game and people are still sold in slavery, albeit the sex trade, where girls as young as 8 have been reported to have been abused.  In many countries, guns are carried more often than books, and children know how to clean and load an AK-47 before they've had their first kiss.  Drugs saturate the entire world and more people are addicted to some kind of substance than there are facilities to treat them.

     So, without continuing on with these depressing realities, my original intention was to bring light to the people who have overcome their circumstances and are better for having gone through them.  These people need to be recognized for their perseverance and abilities to make a better life not just for themselves but for others by sharing their difficulties and encouraging others to move forward and past their problems.

     I am thankful to be one of these people and I applaud and appreciate everyone who has moved past their circumstances.  God bless you all!

"Current Worldwide Suicide Rate." ChartsBin. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 July 2012. <>.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Is The Fist Bump Necessary?

     O.k., it's already been established that I'm old.  Heck, I've got people tryin' to tell me I can't see properly and may need glasses.  I've got gray hairs growing in places that hair really shouldn't be growing from in the first place.  And last, I've got kids that are old enough to have kids, however I'm not ready to be a grandpa yet!

     Anyways, I'm at a loss over this "fist bump" phenomenon that seems to have swept the world.  I don't understand why, after I get done having a conversation with another man, that man feels the need to bump fists together.  What is the significance in that gesture?  Is it necessary?  If you're asking me, the answer is an absolute NO!  It's not necessary.

     I'm not a touchy type of guy.  I don't feel the need to hug people upon meeting them or bumping fist before leaving them.  I am accustomed to the standard, firm handshake, eye contact and brief greeting, but other than that, I don't want to touch anyone.  Maybe I have some kind of phobia.  Call me crazy but I think it's ridiculous and a bit childish to bump fists with another man after having a conversation.

     It's gotten to the point where I may have to fist bump the same guy several times within a relatively short period of time.  That's silly.  And it's not just amongst casual acquaintances.  I've also had instructors and other professionals extend their fists out to be bumped like we just scored a touchdown in the Superbowl. 

     I tell you, people watch too much television.  Leave the fist bumping to the pro athletes and those individuals with the jock mentality.  There's too much bromance and affection going on between men already.  When you see me on the street, a head nod will do or a "what's up bro?" but lets quit the fist bump already!