Me and My Boys

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Next Challenge

     Today I started the P90X Extreme Home Fitness program and let me tell you something, it's a beast!  After an hour workout and many breaks in between, I'm worn out and sore.  Not a shocker since the last time I did a push up Duran-Duran had a top hit on Billboard.

     Man, I'm out of shape.  This whole thing has been long overdue.  I've known I was getting overweight ever since I popped a button on my pants two days in a row.  I knew I was fat when my underwear size increased.  I knew I was fat when I got winded trying to put my socks on.  It may sound funny, but when you start having trouble wiping your butt because your butt cheeks have expanded, then it's time to drop some weight.

     I chose the P90X because it looked like it would give the best results, plus, on the commercial there was a guy who's body shape looked like mine which inspired me to give the program a try.  P90X basically is about "muscle confusion" as  the workouts constantly change, not giving the muscles time to adapt or adjust to the constant exercising.

Day 1 P90X (245.3lbs)   
     Before I started it I told a lot of people what I was going to do and every single one of them said, "it's going to be difficult."  I could hear the doubt in their voices and honestly it served as motivation for me to do this program.  After I continued to hear doubts, I knew I was going to do this program.  I love challenges and quite honestly I was feeling as though I needed something to shake things up because as of late I've been unchallenged.  My sobriety continues on without any hitches and my understanding of the materials in my college classes is increasing which is allowing me to maintain a high GPA so I was beginning to feel stagnant.  I believe the P90X will not only serve as a way to get my body in shape but will also increase my drive and keep me sharp.

     Everything is good, now if I could just tie my shoes!

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