Me and My Boys

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Why do men deny their love for a woman?

     This question was posed to me by a person I suspect is trying to solve the age old mystery, "what the heck is the opposite sex thinking?"  I believe men will have a better chance of figuring out the proper formula through chemistry to create human blood than they will figuring out the inner workings of a woman.  That being said, women can EASILY figure out everything there is to know about a man because we are simple creatures.

     Back to the question at hand, Why do men deny their love for a woman?  I could speak for all men but I'm going to field this one with my own personal knowledge and experience.  First, denying my love for a woman has never occurred.  That in itself has posed some problems considering society frowns on people who are not in monogamous relationships.  Women also don't particularly like to know their man is not denying other women love while they are in a relationship with them.  Right there are two reasons why a man may deny his love for a woman.  Also, the John Wayne Bobbitt severing is still fresh in the minds of many men.

     Those were reasons from a man that is in a committed relationship.  What about men who are single?  What reasons could they possibly have for denying their love for a woman?  Right away I think of being afraid to make a commitment.  A lot of men just aren't ready for, or just don't want to commit themselves to, any long-term relationships.  Some men have been through painful experiences and can't quite trust that another relationship won't end up the same way.  Other men are just immature and would rather hang with their buddies and have the occasional, "no-strings-attached" booty call.  Another reason a man, or woman for that fact, may deny their love, is because there is none.  A person can't deny something that was never there, nor can a person force something that was never there.

     So let's take a look back at the reasons listed above:
◆  Society frowns on polygamous, open relationships
◆  Women frown on polygamous, open relationships
◆  John Wayne Bobbitt's genitals were really severed(cut-off)
◆  Fear of commitment
◆  Incapable of trust
◆  Immature
◆  Never was in love

Those are all reason that are obvious, or at least they are to me, but I do understand that some people try so hard to create a committed, loving relationship that they don't see obvious signs in front of them.  I hope this will help someone understand that the problem really isn't them.  It's a matter of being able to love oneself regardless of what anyone else thinks or does!


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