Me and My Boys

Thursday, November 14, 2013

How Does A Man Prevail In A Sexually Charged World?

     How does a man prevail in a sexually charged world?  Hmmm... good question.  At the ripe old age of 44, I don't actually have an answer for that question.  Up until very recently, I struggled with controlling my thoughts concerning the opposite sex.  I used to "size-up" EVERY woman I saw and play a mini-porn in my head.  Yes, I know, that is sad, but it actually occurred, until...  I figured out that women don't view sex the same way men do.

     As far as I can tell, men perceive sex from a physical standpoint, whereas women view sex from an emotional standpoint.  Men consider sex "high" on the list of priorities and accomplishments, while women look at sex rather casually almost dismissively to the point of being non-existent.  However, women are very aware of how men perceive sex, and they use that valuable information to their advantage.  To be fair, there are men out there who also realize the power that women wield over men and they also use that information to manipulate other men, bastards(lol).

It's no secret that sex sells any and everything.  You can turn the t.v. on at anytime of the day or night and see scantily clad women or topless, six-pack abs men posing for or hawking some trivial item for you the viewer to be interested in and buy.  As a matter of fact, companies spend billions of dollars a year on ads to get you to buy their products and a majority of those ads involve a sexually charged theme whether it be subtle or in-your-face.  One of the more aggressive companies, Victoria's Secret has a huge marketing campaign aimed at men, mailing catalogs to more men than women even though most of their products are made for women.  Restaurants, automobile manufactures, beer brewers, swimming pool cleaners, shoe companies, health care providers, pharmaceutical companies, legal teams, clothing designers, music artists and list goes on, all utilize sex in the marketing of their services and products because it's been proven that sex=sales.

Inevitably it get's darker.  For years the movie industry has been accused of and is guilty of using subliminal messaging as a way to promote sex and other agendas.  There are many examples of phallic symbols and gestures drawn into children's cartoons.  For some sick reason Disney seems to lead the industry in soft pornographic messages and drawings that are seen by millions of people.  I saw a drawing of Mickey Mouse holding what appeared to be a penis and in an episode of Spongebob Squarepants, his friend Patrick appears to be licking a penis.  I digress.

This blog was originally conceived to address the constant bombardment of sexual images in todays society and how men are to address, and survive in a climate where sexual innuendo is rampant.  Quite honestly, I don't like the fact that I have to deal with sex in some form everyday of my life.  To say the least, it's very distracting, which is its intent.  Hopefully, as I grow older and my libido continues to lessen, I will eventually be immune to the effects of sexual manipulation.  Until then, who wants to go to Hooters?

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