Me and My Boys

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Perception Is 9/10ths Of Everything

     As I was sitting in the doctor’s office the other day, perusing the health magazines on a nearby table, I was thinking about image and how it affects ones thinking.  I was thinking of how one’s appearance can inspire confidence or doubt, fear or comfort.  For example, would you feel better or more confident in your doctor’s abilities if he/she were fit and good looking?  If your doctor had “six-pack abs” and could break a board with their finely sculpted buttocks and looked like they just walked on the red carpet at the Academy Awards, would you be more likely to take their advice on healthy living than say, a doctor who had a “spare-tire” around the middle and wore a lot of elastic clothing because his waist size changes more times than a pro-athlete's decision to come out of retirement?

     I was thinking about this as my doctor, who happens to be a bit “pudgy,” was evaluating my physical condition.  Now, I have confidence in my doctor, if only because of his professional demeanor and multiple degrees hanging in his office.  If nothing else, I’m smart enough to know, I’m not a doctor, and I respect anyone who went through the rigorous process of becoming one.  If the doc believes I should do something for my health, I am no one to question his authority or ability and I take his advice with confidence.  Still, how much more enthusiastic would I be in following his advice if his body looked like “The Rock” Dwayne Johnson?

     My point is, people often make character judgments purely on outside perceptions without having any evidence of competency or ability.  I’m guilty of this to an extent.  However, I’ve learned enough lessons to know everything that glitters isn’t always gold and I’ve found many diamonds in the rough that other people have passed up because of their perception of imperfection.  Just because it looks good doesn't mean it's good for you.  On the other hand, if Janet Jackson told me to do some crunches I would probably risk a hernia to "tighten up!"

1 comment:

  1. I want a doctor that is alert and knows what he/she is talking about and also who cares about my health. I know that not all doctors know what they are talking about or they don't care about your health they are just thinking about all of the money that they are making off of you and your visits to there offices and that is not right for them to think like that.
