Me and My Boys

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Tattoos. Thanks for the warning!

     While looking for images for this post I had a revelation concerning tattoos and people in Arizona.  Everywhere I look there are people with tattoos.  In Arizona, I see a disproportionately large amount of people with demonic tattoos.  I thought maybe it was a fashion trend or something.  But while looking at pictures of tats from people around the world I saw a wide variety of tats and I had to actually seek demonic tattoos to find them.  That brought me to the conclusion that the demonic tattoo has a large following particular to Arizona, hence the topic of this post.

     For the record, I don't have any tattoos.  I don't have anything against people that do.  I just don't have any.  I'd considered getting some awhile ago, but at 42 I believe I'm past the age for getting a tat.  There's just some things that, if you haven't experienced them by a certain age, you've just missed the boat and tattoos are one those things.

     Anyways, I often see people out here with demonic images tattooed on their bodies.  I think to myself, "what would possess a person to have a grotesque, demonic image permanently printed on their body?"  This question perplexed me for a long time until I had another revelation which was, these tattoos serve as a warning about the character of the person with the tattoo.  Please let me clarify my position before you people start throwing up your arms and have conniptions.

     Getting a tattoo usually requires a conscious decision to receive an image printed onto skin by needle point.  I've heard many stories of people getting intoxicated or being under the influence of drugs before getting a tat, but that doesn't let them off the hook for their choices.  Anyways, most people take time to look at images or draw their own images to be tatted on them.  This being said, it is safe to say that a person who has chosen to get a tattoo of a demonic image isn't concerned about following Jesus Christ.  Most of the people that I've seen with these types of tattoos have curses coming out of their mouths and have no happiness or joy about them.  Now don't go get all bent out of shape by what I've just said.  These are only my observations, my opinions.  I'm not casting judgments, I'm only stating what I've noticed.

     Quick story:  One time I was in jail and one of my cellmates was covered in demonic tattoos.  He was quiet but when he did speak, he spoke with intelligence and purpose.  I asked him what were the names of the demons he had tatted on him and he abruptly told me, "don't worry about their names!"  I won't go into details, in this post, about the power of words, but I know the reason why he wouldn't tell me their names.  It was because there is power in knowing a name whether it be in invoking it or casting it out.  He assumed that I had an ulterior motive to my question and he effectively ended the conversation.  There's more to the story like, before he became my cellmate I had seen him around the yard weeks prior.  I was already amazed by the amount of inmates who outwardly or ignorantly worshiped satan, and when I first saw him I could feel, instinctively, hate coming from him.   I made a comment to one of my cellmates that I was glad we didn't have "that guy" as a cellmate.  Do you know that it was less than twenty-four hours later he was transferred to our cell.  Coincidence?  I drew closer to God while I was incarcerated, going to church services almost everyday and reading Scripture.  The more I drew closer to God, the more I noticed the evil nature among the majority of inmates and Sheriffs.  It was an unsettling experience. 

     The next time you see a person with demonic tattoos, take a moment and listen to what they are talking about.  As a matter of fact, do that with everyone you interact with.  If you actually listen to what people are saying you will learn a lot about their character!

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