Me and My Boys

Monday, October 10, 2011

Gettin’ My Needs Met

     A lot of strife that comes my way is due to self-centered thinking.  Seriously, when I’m thinking about what I need and then try to get it in my own power, I always come across opposition.  Most of my opposition comes in the form of other people not cooperating with my program.  I don’t believe I ask for much, but it’s become painfully apparent that the things I do ask for from family and friends are too much for them to handle.

     One of my issues is what I consider “proper respect” from my wife.  I’m 42 and relatively young but I come from an era of time when a man was the head of his house, acted like it, and was given his due respect.  I’m not trying to act all manly and demand respect.  I’m a firm believer that respect is earned, not given freely, though I respect everyone I meet until they prove otherwise.  Anyways, I’ve never had a problem communicating my ideals and beliefs to anyone.  I speak my feelings and thoughts with clarity and passion and will even clarify everything so there will be no mistakes as to what I’m saying, but all of that falls on deaf ears when it comes to my wife.  Lack of communication is one of the most frustrating and damaging things that can happen in a relationship.  It will leave all parties involved feeling unsatisfied and unhappy.

     Fortunately, I operate with the Holy Spirit and I’m able to reach beyond the pain and frustration of dealing with people who will never be able to give me happiness or meet my needs.  It took awhile to understand this concept and to achieve the level of faith necessary (a mustard seed) to have peace and joy.  I don’t fault my wife or anyone else for not being able to satisfy my needs, I just understand that that’s not what we were created for.  We were created to live in harmony with each other but that can only be accomplished if we first seek The Father and The Son Jesus Christ.  Operating outside of His will only leads to strife and if you don’t believe me, look at your own life and look at the things you’ve been through and determine if the strife you’ve went through in your life could have been avoided or lessened if you were operating within the love of Jesus Christ!

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